Tank Talk

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In the episode, Teddy talks with a client about what the next steps are since their oil tank failed the township inspection. Simple Tank grabbed a soil sample when the tank was removed and the results were 35,000 PPM. This is way above the cleanup standards of 5,100 PPM. We gave them some options with open ended contracts and also a fixed price cleanup contract.

Questions answered in this episode…

  1. What line items are variable in the open ended soil remediation contract? 1:15
  2. Can you give me a price from the one sample you took on the day you removed the tank? 3:45
  3. How far do you think the contamination traveled? 5:10
  4. How much should a groundwater investigation cost? 6:10
  5. If the initial groundwater samples fails, will we be charged every time you return to sample? 7:25
  6. What is the worst case scenario cost for the cleanup? 8:30
  7. How does a soil delineation work to get a fixed cost? 9:50
  8. Does the state certified subsurface evaluator work for you? 11:00
  9. Does the township have to do another inspection? 12:05
  10. How quickly can you get the final report that needs to be reviewed by NJDEP? 13:25
  11. Can we pay at closing? 14:00
  12. Is there an additional fee to pay at closing? 15:00
  13. What are the odds of hitting groundwater in Metuchen? 17:20